Merwyn Coutinho

Merwyn Coutinho is motion personified. Change has remained his faithful ally— from the moment he left home in early adolescence— to mould the person of steadfast calm that he is today. His resume lists a long list of interesting roles: from dishwasher to event organiser, faculty member to quality analyst, driver to team leader, and so much more in between. All of which have culminated in his final journey— a life lived exclusively ‘on-the-move’— beginning in 2010, but not before encountering a valuable friendship that would grow into Further & Beyond Foundation.

Rajiv Rathod

A self-confessed college ‘walkout’, Rajiv Rathod has long been at odds with deeply entrenched and formalised systems. It’s the reason he’s also walked out on promising enterprises in over-the-phone sales, computer hardware assembly and branding, and textile embroidery. This nature stems from a keen computation of the human condition; a side-effect of his need to absorb and process large volumes of information. If ever there was a perfect complement to Merwyn’s necessity for infinite discovery, it’s Rajiv’s need to assimilate and cultivate.